Oak Grove Lutheran School is inviting you to dust off your fancy pants!
Thursday November 2nd at the Holiday Inn 5:00 pm Registration & Silent Auction Opens 7:00 pm Dinner and Program
This event is a great opportunity to come together to support our biggest fundraising event of the year. We are looking for support through sponsorships, purchasing a table and donating auction items for the event.
Registration is open! New this year, you can purchase individual tickets for $150 each or you can sponsor a table so that you can sit with friends and family. Consider inviting someone new to the Oak Grove Gala this year! It is going to be a blast!
For Questions about tables please contact Shellie Simonson-Ulven with questions about the Gala. shellie.ulven@oakgrovelutheran.com 701.373.7196
To donate to the auction please contact Megan Williams at 701.361.9184
Sponsor & Table Requests

Auction Donation

Contact Megan Williams at 701.361.9184 for any auction item ideas or donations.
Platinum Level Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsors