Merit Based Scholarships

Dear Parents and Students,

This letter contains important information pertaining to the Merit-Based Scholarships that are available for Oak Grove students. These scholarships are competitive and are not based on financial need. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of individuals that is put together in conjunction with our partner churches in the area consisting of Youth Directors, Deacons, Pastors as well as other community partners associated with Oak Grove. All recipients are selected through an objective and anonymous process. Please encourage your student(s) to apply for these merit-based scholarships.

In regard to merit-based scholarships, students frequently ask the following questions:

Who may apply?

Current students in grades 5-11 who are accepted for fall 2024 admissions. Applicants must meet certain criteria listed on the scholarship descriptions page.

How do I apply?  

Those seeking merit-based scholarships must complete and submit the required application materials including an online application and scholarship-specific essays.

What is the application deadline?  

The deadline is April 15, 2024. All applications must be submitted online by the deadline date. *Note, some scholarship applications require letters of recommendation. Letters may be emailed to or mailed to the school (Attn:  Matthew Hallaway).  

When will I know if I’ve received an award? 

Merit-based scholarships are awarded during Oak Grove’s Academic Convocation in May. Parents will be notified in advance if their student has received an award.

We hope this information will be of help to your family. Please contact Matthew Hallaway by phone at
(701) 373-7152 or via email at with any questions you may have.


Matthew Hallaway

Chief Advancement Officer

701.373.7152 |



Academic and competitive scholarships are based on merit, not on financial need. Current Oak Grove students, along with those accepted for fall admission, who meet scholarship criteria are encouraged to apply. Separate review panels will select award recipients. Scholarships will be awarded at Oak Grove’s Academic Honors Convocation at the end of May.

To apply for the following scholarships, note these instructions:

  • Complete the Scholarship Application online: Merit Based Scholarship Application
  • Respond to all of the individual questions pertaining to each of the scholarships you are applying for. Save your essay for each scholarship in its own document. Please title your file “Scholarship Name-Your Name”.
  • Do NOT include your name in the text of your essay. The title must include the scholarship name.
  • Upload your essay(s) (PDF or Word Document – .doc or .docx) using the file uploader on the last page of the online Scholarship Application. Each scholarship has a separate file uploader, so be sure to upload your file(s) to the correct scholarship.


✧ The Gustav & Margarett Hektner Family Academic Excellence Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to students who have maintained a GPA of 3.50 or above for the current school year and who actively participate in their communities. Students entering grades 6-12 who meet the criteria may apply. Application process includes a written essay. (One $350 scholarship awarded per grade level.)

Application Requirements: The mission of Oak Grove is “to express God’s love by nurturing students for academic achievement, lifelong Christian commitment and loving service throughout the world.” In 350 words or less, write an essay in answer to: What are your feelings on the topic of student responsibility to the mission of Oak Grove Lutheran School?


✧ The Lynn Benson Hjelmeland “School for Excellence” Scholarship

Scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman or sophomore. Recipients must be active in church youth group, Sunday School, choir, music ministry or teaching. The successful candidate must plan to contribute to the Oak Grove community through participation in extracurricular activities. Scholarship criteria includes a minimum GPA of 3.25 or above and a written essay. (One $800 scholarship.)

Application Requirements: Write an essay of 350 words or less in response to: How do you plan to contribute to the Oak Grove community as a Christian and as a student?

✧ The Legreid Family Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to current Oak Grove students entering grades 8-12. Eligibility is limited to those who maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above and who actively participate in extracurricular activities. A short essay on extracurricular involvement is required. (Four $500 scholarships.)

Application Requirements: Submit an essay of 350 words or less stating how you have benefitted from your involvement in extracurricular activities, and why you feel extracurricular activities are important to Oak Grove’s school community.

✧ Thrivent Financial for Lutherans – Lutheran Leadership Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to students entering grades 9-12. Eligibility is based on the following criteria: Lutheran church membership; Demonstrated leadership; Cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above; Active participation in church, school, and community activities. A short essay stating the applicant’s goals and aspirations for the future is required. (Two $500 scholarships.)

Application Requirements: Write an essay of 350 words or less stating what goals you have set for yourself in relation to being a student at Oak Grove? In addition, please list your long-term goals… What do you desire to do with your life?

✧ The Arvid Berg Music Enrichment Scholarship

Scholarship provides private vocal or instrumental instruction for one year. Applicants must be current Oak Grove students in grades 9-11 who have had a minimum of one year of private music instruction at Oak Grove and who demonstrate a strong desire to enrich their lives through music. Application includes a written essay. (Two $450 scholarships.)

Application Requirements: In your own words, please explain what you hope to gain from the total music experience at Oak Grove Lutheran School. How will the continuation of private music instruction assist you in your efforts? How will you apply what you learn to your future endeavors? Include accomplishments, goals, obstacles, challenges, strengths, and weaknesses, if applicable. (350 words or less)

✧ The Jens and Jeanne Tennefos Student Citizenship Scholarship

Current and incoming Oak Grove students entering grades 9-12 who have demonstrated exemplary citizenship, such as serving as a class officer or student council representative, are invited to apply for this award. This award recognizes student involvement both within and outside the Oak Grove community. (Ten

$800 scholarships)

Application Requirements: Applicants must submit a 300-word essay describing their role in student leadership in their school, church, and/or community. Essays will be evaluated on understanding citizenship through examples drawn from personal involvement. The application must include a letter of reference from a pastor or adult leader who is not serving on the staff at Oak Grove.

✧ The Jeff McKay Memorial Trap Shooting Club Scholarship

The Red River Trap Shooting Club is a 501(c)(3) public charity created in 2015 with the purpose of providing sustainable annual funding to the Oak Grove Trap Team. Scholarships will be awarded to current Oak Grove Trap Team members entering grades 7-12. Cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above. Two $500 scholarships are awarded.

Application Requirements: Applicants must submit an essay of 350 words or less on how has the Sport of Trap Shooting impacted your life? What are the benefits to you as a participant? How is the sport helping you as a student at Oak Grove and person in your community?

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